Friday, September 23, 2011

A Texas Kind of Gift

My daughter and I talk pretty regularly. Partly because we enjoy it, partly because we were pals when she was growing up. Neither one of us was born in Texas, but as the saying goes, "we got here as quick as we could". Her daughter wasn't born here either, but you wouldn't guess it by the way she thinks. I could go on and on, but instead I'll simply share a picture of a gift the five year old gave to her dad.

Nuff said?

We love a lot about Texas, but for me it's the simple way of living here and the friendly people. I'm glad my granddaughter is "Texas folk" and it shines through her by the little things she says and does.

1 comment:

  1. dear lovable huggable gma sorry about gpa isurly will miss him but i like your blog about texas speaking about texas i made a book about texas in my class love kissable wishable zee.p.s nice blog name. p.p.s comment on my blogggggggg please it is about sharks see you later
