My little duckling gals got to swim in one of my washtubs today. They were so totally freaked out. First because I had the washtub sitting on some pavers hubby had put down in front of the wash house, second because the swimming thing was new and third my drakes decided to attack them while they adjusted to the water. My hands bear the defensive marks from trying to keep my babies safe. "Hey boys, you're attacking your future wives. It's not going to sit well with the girls."
It is my evidence based opinion that ducks are really pigs in down covered costumes. My ducklings are so messy I have to completely strip and clean their huge tub twice a day. They love to mess in water and their food. I have three towels that are no longer fit for human use that have been relegated to the duck gals. Penelope, Petunia and Prudence (all pig names on purpose) have laid claim to the towels as their personal "sopping up messes on the bottom of our bedroom" towels. They are stained from their food and little poopies.
They have almost doubled in size since I bought them. They are still covered with little bitty downy feathers. Today they looked sort of bald when they were through with their swim. I dried them as much as they would allow and then dad put them back in their tub with the heat lamp focused down on their backs. They methodically preened and dried themselves by separating each little slender feathery piece on their bodies. It was as if they had done it a thousand times. Instinct is an amazing thing.
I know tomorrow will be less traumatic for them and eventually they will join the drakes in a large child's swimming pool in our back yard. My hope is to put in a permanent pond for my ducks, but for now a kiddy pool will have to do.
Water fowl are amazing animals. They always give humans a side long glance because they see us better that way. Their eyes are on either sides of their faces, so for comfort's sake they turn to look at us.
Mine are learning my voice. After the drake attack I noticed they were calmed when I spoke. Eventually they were completely calm, so calm in fact they had a blast diving in the water and then scratching their heads with their webbed feet. I'm thinking they were uncomfortable having water in their little hidden ears.
I know tomorrow will be a nice warm day and swimming will be on the duckling girls' agenda. I will do my best to upload the pictures hubby took of the girls. Perhaps we'll get some video of them tomorrow to add.
Bottoms up! (That's a duck thing in case you didn't know it.)
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