Sunday, September 19, 2010

Blind Man Walking

Our bathroom nightlight is dead so it's become a challenge to find my way in the darkness each night. I was thinking about how most people walk in the darkness without God's will or ways in mind. His word tells us, "The entrance of His word brings light". I know personally when I have a real problem I can always go to Him and He promises to be with me in trouble. If I take the time to seek His will (in His word) He ALWAYS gives me an answer.

When you are blind you grow accustomed to the darkness. You begin to learn your dark environment and even grow "comfortable" with it. I would imagine you avoid new places and situations that require sight. You use your crutch in place of your eyes.

God sent Yeshua/Jesus to give sight to the blind and hearing to the deaf.Some say and believe that God is a crutch, but those are mockers and scorners. The fool says, "there is no God". Some choose to close their ears and eyes to God. I like being able to hear His voice and see the path ahead. May I never grow accustomed to darkness or silence. In all your ways acknowlege Him and He will direct your path!

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