Saturday, January 22, 2011

Rooster Rally

Tonight was the fourth night I had to chase our youngest Cornish rooster around the yard in order to put him inside the chicken house. I'm sure he is simply terrified of his dad; a "meaner than a junkyard dog", full grown black Cornish cock. I had NO idea when I ordered him he was a fighting cock! I merely thought he was a good meat producer. My husband's scarred workboots can attest to his fiesty nature. I personally won't attempt to enter his turf without a broom or some other long stick to beat him off; should he decide to make his sneaky move when my back is turned. It's no wonder his son should be more than hesitant to dive into his dad's secure domain. Frankly, after tonight I may just let him suffer the winter elements rather than play another round of "chase that chicken".

Tonight was a tad different than past rallies. Tonight the little booger found an opening in the netting that covers their yard and litterally "flew the coop"! He took the race to the big Rhode Island Red yard. We went from one end of the yard to the other for a good half an hour. It was almost dark before he finally got too tired to resist and I was able to trap him in the corner where two fences met. I grabbed him and tried to calm him, but the closer we got to the little yard, the more he struggled to free himself. Halfway across the yard I had to grab him by the drumsticks and carry him upside down. He proceeded to writhe and scream like a little girl the rest of the way. I dumped him in the chicken house through the hatch in the roof. There were a few muffled cackles from the hens and then silence. I didn't hear any fighting between him and his dad. I guess his panic was for nothing as his dad didn't make a sound. If I know his dad, and I think I do, he will wait till sunlight and make his move.

We now have five roosters. That means we have three too many. Problem is that I have a favorite rooster, Rosie, and I have two pick two others to cull. Not my favorite thing.

I'm glad the rally is over for twenty four hours. If I had to do that too very often I think I would fry up a basket of chicken and have a party. Original or extra crispy?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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