Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday Evening and All Is Well

The gentle rush of the heater blower and the hum from the refrigerator are the only sounds I hear. The dog is sound asleep on a plush blanket arranged for her on the couch. The cat is asleep in the bathroom on the hamper. All the farm animals were put up long ago. I should be getting ready for bed as well, but decided to write before I get my pajamas on.

It was a good day today. I knocked off lots from my "to do" list and had a peaceful day. I have tomorrow's agenda written up and plan to work on that list when the morning chores are done. My house is ready for a good vacuuming in the morning as well. I swept the floors and washed the smaller area rugs. The bathroom is clean and I really don't have anything else I need to do tonight. I will do my daily bible reading before I doze off, but for now my day is done.

I love a simple life. Complications and complexity are not friends of mine. I don't need a lot to be content and I don't have overly high expectations of life. I'm not out to be famous or rich. I just want to live by faith in God and hear His voice.

I love my husband and he loves me. We rarely have harsh words, and normally fly through life with very few cares. We do have difficulties, but they are usually caused by other people's chaos and wrong choices. Even those things are met with patience and a lot of silence. There are times when we both lose our composure, but those times are fewer and farther between.

There is an old gospel song, "It is well with my soul". Tonight I could sing it with calm familiarity. It is truly well with my soul. I have only one unresolved issue in my life at present and that issue has been left at the feet of the Lord for him to resolve. I occasionally pick it up, but not for long. I'm getting better and better at leaving it at the throne and going on with life.

God is good and greatly to be praised. I am so glad He is God and He chose His Son to be our Lord and Messiah. He is patient and long suffering with me and I so appreciate it. A master who uses grace and patience is a wonderful blessing.

It's night time and I'm ready for rest. Yeshua my Messiah has been made unto me shalom shalom, (perfect peace). Though the storms rage I am like the dove in the cleft of the rock; at peace in my soul.


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